North American Bancard Sales Partner Blog

How consumers will make payments this holiday season.


Every holiday season brings something different. The back-to-back holiday shopping seasons during the pandemic reinforced the importance of providing seamless end-to-end experiences to consumers trying to comply with rapidly changing regulations. Busy holiday shoppers were — and still are — looking for the easiest way to cross items off their holiday lists, including convenient ways to pay.

The value of The Developer Portal from North American Bancard.


North American Bancard’s Developer Portal is approaching its first anniversary — have you taken advantage of this resource to advance your business?

If you’re a North American Bancard Sales or Integrated Partner who provides POS software and business applications to help craft solutions that enhance customer experiences with efficiency and personalization, leveraging The Developer Portal can help you position your business for greater success.

Why North American Bancard credit card processing Partners have the edge over the competition.


Competition is tough for merchant services providers. You go up against reps who will do anything to undercut you on fees. Some prospects are locked into a package deal with their point of sale software. And there are disruptors in the market that entice merchants with fast set-up and simplified systems. However, North American Bancard credit card processing Partners have the advantage of offering services and solutions that can go toe-to-toe with anything out there.

How total solutions help build passive income.


Passive income is often why many people sign up to be independent sales agents. There’s nothing like working hard and then watching those benefits roll in. That’s because processing credit card payments means the card issuer, payment network, and your payment partner all get their cut, and a slice of those fees trickles into your pocket too. That’s the beauty of residuals; do the work once and get paid over the long haul with every swipe, dip, or tap of a customer’s credit card.

North American Bancard benefits for high-risk merchants.


When a Sales Partner approaches a prospect, it’s not always immediately obvious whether they’re considered “high-risk” for payment processing. Some specialty businesses are categorized as high-risk merchants because of their industries, like bail bond insurers, buying clubs, card-not-present tobacco sales, ecigarettes, and firearms and ammunition.